Welcome to My Blog!

Welcome to my blog!This is my blog about my science fair project, Pointe Shoe Physics. I am testing the amount of force per square centimeter on a ballet dancer's feet while dancing in pointe shoes. I am also studying how this changes in three different positions. Be sure to check out my report, background information, videos and other cool stuff! My final report and other files can be accessed through the "Documents" link on the right. Enjoy!


·        Scale
·        Ruler
·        Paper/data sheets
·        Test subjects
·        Calculator
·        Pencil
·        Spreadsheet program (Ex: Microsoft Excel)
1.     Measure the test subject’s weight and record on a data sheet.
2.     While they are wearing pointe shoes, trace around one of their feet on the paper.
3.     Trace around their foot when it is in the demi-pointe position (ball of their foot).
4.     Trace around their foot when it is in the full pointe position.
5.     Draw polygons over the tracings in order to cover the area of the foot as accurately as possible.
6.     Measure the area of the figures in centimeters squared (cm²). Record these numbers on a data sheet.
7.     To find 2a, 2p, and 2d, multiply a, d, or p times two. Record these calculations on a data sheet.
8.     Convert weight to Newtons.
9.     Repeat on all of the test subjects.
10.                        Record all of the data on the data table in the spreadsheet program.
11.                        Calculate the force per cm² for all of the trials. Record this on the data table.
12.                        Find the average amount of force for the three positions. Record on another data table.

Explanations of Variables
a=area of one foot on flat
d=area of one foot on demi-pointe
p=area of one foot en pointe
2a= area of two feet  on flat
2d= area of two feet in demi-pointe
2p= area of two feet en pointe
Force per cm² (N/cm²):
Two Feet Flat= n/2a
Two Feet Demi-Pointe= n/2d
Two Feet Pointe= n/2p
One Foot Flat= n/a
One Foot Demi-Pointe= n/d
One Foot Pointe= n/p
n=force in Newtons